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Applied Kinesiology


Applied Kinesiology Fundamentals and Basic Core Course

Taught by: William H. Tolhurst, DC, DIBAK

ICAK Approved Course

What you will learn:

> Accurate muscle testing for all types of conditions.

> The historical development of Applied Kinesiology, its current neurological model of explaination, and how to explain it even to skeptics.

> Cranial-Sacral Motion Analysis and Corrective Therapy.

> Proper evaluation of digestive disorders in the young and old.

> Stress and toxicity disorders and their relationship to chronic illness and immunodeficiency.

> Vertebral Manipulative Correction and when to use it.

> TMJ disorders and Correction Therapy.

> Acupunture Meridian Therapy.

> Extremity conditions and corrections.

> Use of the Nutrional Counseling and Therapy.

> Life-style choices- rebuilding permanent health.

> Sports injury and performance assessment.

> Emotional and psychological conditions and treatment.

> Allergy and immune system evaluation and treatment.

*Note: This is a non-sponsored event and is supported solely through tuition fees. The products and supplements which will be promoted during this course have been specially chosen for their effectiveness.

Hello and welcome to the 2016-2017 Applied Kinesiology training year!

The Curriculum

The 100 hr Basic Core Course will be eight study modules consisting of mandatory reading assignments, online comprehension tests, lectures, demonstrations, and technique workshops that will enable doctors and student doctors to acquire expertise in clinical diagnosis and treatment that will last your entire career. The final certification test will be given during session 9.

Who should take this course?

Doctors and students (enrolled in accredited colleges to license and diagnose in the healing arts) are encouraged to experience a way to use their skills better than ever. It is for those who have desired a practical, updated, and straightforward education in Applied Kinesiology. We will take you from the early beginnings of

Dr. George Goodheart's discoveries through the complete and most recently approved materials from the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).

This course is for those who have heard that there is too much information or that it is too

hard to learn...this course is for you!

You will be a better doctor!

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